Yesterday evening marked the final group recording sesh for the project. As we finished in epic style with a yet-to-be-named original composition, I was gently reminded about who is at the helm. All along, this album has been and still is fraught with challenges and problem-solving. And most would say, "That's life." Although this is true, more and more my perspective is becoming, "That's grace." It's by grace that I am challenged because I am never given more than I can bear. It's by grace that I meet with problems because I am never given more than He can overcome. I am once again very grateful that this project has not been entrusted to me and my care, but rather has been a journey and a sculpting tool. In the end, I don't know what the other members of the project will say. (I've been seriously considering filming some footage to produce a YouTube documentary about the experience.) But for me, this last six or so weeks has been nothing...