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And That's What It's All About

Yesterday evening marked the final group recording sesh for the project. As we finished in epic style with a yet-to-be-named original composition, I was gently reminded about who is at the helm. All along, this album has been and still is fraught with challenges and problem-solving. And most would say, "That's life." Although this is true, more and more my perspective is becoming, "That's grace." It's by grace that I am challenged because I am never given more than I can bear. It's by grace that I meet with problems because I am never given more than He can overcome. I am once again very grateful that this project has not been entrusted to me and my care, but rather has been a journey and a sculpting tool.

In the end, I don't know what the other members of the project will say. (I've been seriously considering filming some footage to produce a YouTube documentary about the experience.) But for me, this last six or so weeks has been nothing short of amazing. There is still plenty of work left to do to be sure. Nonetheless, I can easily say that it has been the most positive and uplifting musical involvement of my life. God took a group of rusty musicians with a group of musty texts and is doing what He lives for—glorifying Himself through His redemptive work.

I guess the word I would choose to describe this album is "alive". I don't know if the others felt it, but never has music been so dear to me as it has recently. And I resoundingly and openly admit that it's simply because I am hard at work to not work. I am trying not to try. And I am seeing less and less of me in the fabric, and more and more of Christ's glory.

I have no idea what kind of response (if any) this all will receive, but thankfully, I almost don't care. I know that there's an undercurrent. There's a theme. Something is being freed and I couldn't be more relieved. Duty-bound music has been no music at all to me. I feel in a way that I'm able (finally) to catch a glimmer of the summer sun that I've awaited.

I believe I'm feeling my Savior's hand and grace is lighting the way.


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